17 June 2023 - Midsize

2022 Indian film meaning rise, roar and revolt.

According to; for each one; individually.

Bon __, said by waiters after delivering meals.

COVID test that's not rapid and is more accurate.

Conservation nonprofit.

Dab at an ink spill.

Excelsior Lee.

Executive chief of a company.

Former Cuban president, brother of Fidel.

German spelling of a drink like lager or ale.

Gulf Cooperation Council, initialism.

Internet speak for go to bed.

It is mixed with lemonade in an Arnold Palmer.

Line near bottom of address showing who it's for.

Multiple pages opened on a browser.

Prefix for within or inner.

Surf with all toes suspended over board's nose.

Typed at end of an SMS to indicate no reply needed.

US Cable TV Network that broadcasts news.

Upset and disappointed.

What wind blows.

White whale hunter.

__ You Smarter than a 5th Grader?.