17 August 2021 - Midsize

A wheat plant used in hot cereal and animal feed.

Actor Dev, starring in Slumdog Millionaire, Lion.

Beside another in line, side by side.

Comes out from behind something.

Computer company that puts smart to work.

Enraged, irate.

Gift brought to a party.

Internet abbreviation for take your time.

Modern slang for a sweetheart.

Mr. P. Worrell, Vern's erratic neighbor.

Net Operating Assets in business speak.

Online selling platform for creative goods.

Operator of software.

Per Person, Double Occupancy.

Price negotiators.

Shade or tint.

The __, superlative adjective, the most grandiose.

The day after Fri..

To ruin; the opposite of build.

What Tom Hanks was, in a 1988 film.

You square the length of square's side to find it.
