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17 October 2021 - Midsize
17 October 2021 - Midsize
Abbreviation for daylight saving time.
Abbreviation that goes after some company names.
Agreement between landlord and resident.
Automatic Data Processing.
Belting out a tune, maybe while driving.
Boiled cornmeal dish from Italy.
Divine delivery.
First name of Ms. Drew, the detective.
Its bite is said to have killed Cleopatra.
Lincoln's nickname Honest __.
Macaroni or spaghetti, for instance.
Paintings, sculptures, and more.
Rock-filled wire cage used in castle fortification.
Shallow-rooted plants used in rockeries.
Short word that precedes X, Y for eras when born.
Strength or power of a medicine.
Supplemental Security Income.
The lack of an immune response to an antigen.