18 October 2022 - Midsize

A rose by any other name would smell __.

A space launch countdown starts at this number.

A strong dislike.

A tailless primate.

Abbreviation for freeway.

America Online internet service provider.

Entry for the letter D in the dictionary.

Fool, ninny.

In French, this word is avec.

International Development Association, initialism.

Large V-shaped muscles on the back.

Manhattan area on Hudson River, facing New Jersey.

Music video award presented by MTV.

Obama campaign slogan.

One must break eggs to make this.

Pirouettes, spins.

Quick text slang for I'm on the phone.

Short French word to indicate woman's maiden name.

The aircraft capital of the world, in Kansas.

This insect's bite can lead to sleeping sickness.

US agency tasked with protecting public health.