19 November 2023 - Midsize

An enclosure made from thorny bushes.

Brothers Joel and Ethan, who make movies.

Dutch banking group with a lion logo.

Finish something with great haste.

Forearm bone.

Golf ball platform.

Happy Days star Howard who directs movies.

Imaging body scan for seeing soft insides.

Infant, very young child.

King in Greek mythology who married his mother.

Layer of grime on a pond.

Lychee-like berries used for washing clothes.

Mind your own business in internet speak.

Mixed martial arts are known as this too.

Not many.

Purple organs similar to large lymph nodes.

Radio frequency that's incredibly high.

Rich Uncle Pennybags's game.

Short form of Abigail.

South-southwest for short.

Spends money to buy.

Term for a native of Los Angeles.

Unexpected attacks by soldiers.

Was outer rim planet in the Star Wars Sluis sector.