20 December 2023 - Midsize

"Scheduled time of arrival" as an initialism.

400-year-old German dynasty known for steel.

A freely-spread message that regards the community.

Abbreviation for National Sanitation Foundation.

Bitilasana, posture on all fours, paired with cat.

Box that is sent through the mail.

Church music; anagram of long Spain.

Clever, quick.

Crude name for a male donkey, comes after "jack".

Drop the World rapper Wayne.

Excelsior Lee.

Expensive, it costs an arm and __.


Makers of Worcestershire sauce with Perrins.

People are born under one in astrology.

Poem addressed to someone.

Pseudonym used by the ExxonMobil oil company.


She led Lewis and Clark across the country.

Short for ecology or ecological.

Time slipped by or passed.

Trapping a small wild animal.

Vein of metal ore.

Venomous snakes, from the Greek word for "viper".