21 June 2024 - Midsize

Also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Army rank of Pepper of the Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Be cheeky or rude.

Beethoven wrote 32 of these piano compositions.

Bread roll.

Breaks or cracks.

Feminine form of one in Spanish.

Film editor's completed product.

Golden-haired wife of Thor.

In 2018, Lil __ X gave us Old Town Road.

Large green lizards with spiny backs.

Metal describing a Man, a Maiden, and a Curtain.

Philosophy about positive thoughts, __ attraction.

Relating to the mouth, anatomically.

S. African country, capital is Gaborone.

State that is home to Grand Canyon National Park.

Unhatched chicken.

Unit of measurement; 10,000 square meters.

Viva __, 1952 biopic of Mexican revolutionary.

__ and hers.

__ up, admit to something.
