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21 November 2021 - Midsize
21 November 2021 - Midsize
A cone that falls from this tree.
A loyal or faithful subject.
Anything to do with a mother, grandmother.
Crude-sounding name for a donkey.
Give a lecherous look.
How you'd tell someone leave me alone, online.
Impatient click made with the mouth.
Informational message delivered by a celebrity.
Inherited disorder resulting in lack of melanin.
Lhasa __, Tibetan dog breed.
Member of school of Hellenistic philosophy of 3 BC.
Obtained something.
Online Travel Agencies.
Pinch the skin.
Place where two layers of fabric are sewn together.
Story that could be The Handmaid's.
Thanksgiving turkey filling of bread and veggies.
Three-letter abbreviation for paper density unit.
To catch your clothing on a pointy item.
Tube called the external acoustic meatus.
__ Day, You're Never Weird on the Internet author.
__ Lion, biggest of the species.
__ Verde National Park.