22 March 2023 - Midsize

3-letter term for a week's 4th business day.

A simple hair cut for neatness.

Abbreviation for original equipment manufacturer.

Association of Tennis Professionals, abbreviated.

Comparative word used with better and ever.

Confidentiality agreement, in short.

Expression of fright or frustration.

Feminine form of one in Spanish.

Gathered into a pile, food or money.

Giant screen movie format invented in Canada.

Lionel __, jazz bandleader and vibraphone player.

Making someone be quiet.

Measurement type, like cm or miles.

Oscar-winning actor Mr. Malek.

Put an end to.

Remains of a fire.

Salt Lake City's state.

She had ninety-nine red balloons.

The United States' largest association of doctors.

Thuds, punches.

US agency tasked with public transit security.

William, legendary Star Trek and Boston Legal star.

__ de deux, ballet duet.