22 September 2021 - Midsize

Amazon smart speaker.

Baggins from The Hobbit.

Biblical figure offed by his brother.

Bread roll.

Club-wielding Japanese troll.

Container for coke and beans.

David Copperfield character and 70s rock band.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Global governing body in cricket.

Henrik Ibsen play: __ Gynt.

In the movie, Lloyd is this and Harry is more so.

Nintendo console.

Partner of Kit in confectionery.

Perlman, Carla from Cheers.

Prefix for all, preceding -potent and -scient.

Round, metal piece of money.

Rowing tools.

Side-post of a doorway.

Spinal discomforts.

Spongy scrubber used to clean your body.

Tidy, orderly.

Tom __, Henry Fonda's role in The Grapes of Wrath.

Tools that improve memory through word association.

US intelligence agency.

Vehicle that transports people to a hospital.

Venomous snakes.

__ You Smarter than a 5th Grader?.