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23 February 2022 - Midsize
23 February 2022 - Midsize
19th-century Texas Revolution battle.
Army insect that can be fire or leafcutter.
Backs down, gives in, changes one's mind.
Budget inn, usually located on a roadside.
Doctors do this to patients.
Egyptian sky goddess and divine mother.
Foley's first name in Beverly Hills Cop movies.
Frito-Lay Onion Snack.
Full Time Employee.
Half man, half bull, son of the King of Crete.
Last full month of spring in northern hemisphere.
Like a large mouse, rodent that's known as a pest.
Prefix that comes next after kilo, mega, and giga.
Prog rock band of Owner of a Lonely Heart.
Sicilian volcano.
The letter F written out as a word.
The territory ruled by an emir.
Tic __, Ferrero mints.
You've lost this when you can't remember.
__ lotion is a treatment for itching.
__ we forget, Remembrance Day phrase.