24 February 2022 - Midsize

"It is," in Shakespeare.

Cigar-smoking commissioner in the Dukes of Hazzard.


E.T. desperately wants to do this.

Feminine pronoun.

Flexible Spending Account.

Friend or mate.

Initials for a perennially close companion.

Japanese "yes".

Largest volcano in Italy.

Lennon tune reworked by remaining Beatles in 1995.

Makes a mistake.

Number that flew over the cuckoo's nest.

Placard advertising a business.

Premonition of the future.

Recreational vehicles.

Romanov daughter, said to have escaped death.

Slumdog Millionaire song that ends in Ho.

Sugary tree liquid.

Text acronym for laughing out loud.

The opposite of no.

Today (Spa.).

Turtlenecked CEO who revealed the iPhone.

US counterpart to Britain's MI5.

US public broadcasting group for educational TV.

Weak or forced laugh sound.

__ of Catan, board game with hexagonal settlements.