24 May 2021 - Midsize

Annual musical festival in Manchester, Tennessee.

Another name for fish eggs; a kind of small deer.

Chest muscle.

Coffee's human name.

Computer company that puts smart to work.

Daughters of a brother or sister.

Denzel Washington's post-apocalyptic book carrier.

Disease-causing microorganism.

Final stages of a game.

Furious wrath.

Intended as a cure.

Language of Jesus, ancient Semitic language.

Law enforcement forensic team.

Muslim word for the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Puts frozen packs on aching muscles.

State of matter marked by large particle distances.

The opposite of love for someone.

Time period that began with Sputnik in 1957.

To engage in mental exercise in order to relax.

Write down quickly.

__ Lanka.