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24 October 2022 - Midsize
24 October 2022 - Midsize
A long period of time.
Chemical formula for silver chloride.
Dutch custard.
Emit a beam of coherent monochromatic light.
Foot digit.
Former music video channel with reality TV shows.
Formula One team based in Kannapolis.
Greek version of Agnes.
Grooves or ditches worn in paths or roads.
Meat whose names means nonsense.
Meetings that aim to communicate with spirits.
Megabytes, in short.
Plastic terrarium, Uncle Milton's __.
Polynesian rum cocktail __ tai.
Sicilian volcano.
Slang word for close friend, like a relative.
Someone who acts with courage and selflessness.
Special Air Service.
Suffer from an illness.
Texting abbreviation for oversharing.
Unique and unrepeatable.
What little Miss Muffet sat on.