25 March 2024 - Midsize

A less scientific name for the coccyx.

A poser, a brain-teaser.

Abbreviation for Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.

Acronym for a chief legal officer.

Another word for add, in a sum.

Chemical formula for hydrobromic acid.

Device that ensures no pollen reaches a car engine.

Fuel economy that a car delivers.

German neuter form of "the".

Give off e.g. radiation.

Herb used in tea for relaxation; sedative.

Initials of the band behind Proud Mary.

International Monetary Fund in short.

Long-handled gardening tool for breaking up soil.

Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano that erupted in 1984.

Plane landing times.

Precious stone.

Redhaired Viking explorer who discovered Greenland.

Remains of a fire.

School acting group that meets regularly.

Shade of fire vehicles and stop signs.

Spanish cave paintings like those at Lascaux.

Start legal proceedings against someone.

State where 4x Governor George Wallace was shot.

Three letters texting someone that you miss them.

WNBA team based in Chicago.

Word after ad for improv.