25 May 2022 - Midsize

A red grape used for making wine, __ sauvignon.

Airport code for London Heathrow.

Edgar Allan Poe's The __ of Amontillado.

French artist famous for painting ballet dancers.

Image file extension for lossless data compression.

Little golden nuggets of corn.

Makers of Worcestershire sauce with Perrins.

Office tools for fastening paperwork with metal.

Price of a taxi ride.

Raw fish, Japanese style (without rice).

Suffix used in medicine to name inflammations.

Sullies someone's name in the press.

The capping horizontal stones at Stonehenge.

Thins the herd by killing.

US sitcom about a furry puppet Alien Life Form.

Utilize or employ.

__ caramel, seasoned sweet sauce.

__ chi, traditional Chinese martial art.
