25 August 2023 - Midsize

A pagan belief system where nature is respected.

Abbreviation that signifies "text message".

Antonym of welcoming.

Bic __; transparent biro, introduced in 1950.

Caffè __; Piazza San Marco coffee shop since 1720.

Central European Time, abbreviated.

Drop the World rapper Wayne.

In a non-drunk way.

Jake, Samberg's Brooklyn Nine-Nine character.

Large metal or wooden piece carried for protection.

Measurement of how effective sunscreen is.

Painful digestive complaint (abbrev.).

Stay for some time.

The opposite of no.

They sang about a Ramblin' Man: __ Brothers Band.

U.S. President Wilson's first name.

Vicious; Ice Age sloth.

__ You Smarter than a 5th Grader?.