26 February 2024 - Midsize

A spell used to make things float, wingardium __.

Abbreviation for the United Arab Republic.

Acronym for Mars exploration rover.

Agile, goat-like antelope, known for its leather.

Alexander Pope wrote one on Criticism in 1711.

Alike in appearance to another thing.

Common audio file format.

Marie __, monthly health and beauty magazine.

Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano that erupted in 1984.

Original name of the social media site for tweets.

Possessive determiner, no apostrophe.

Search and rescue for short.

Texting abbreviation for oversharing.

They are in the atom's nucleus.

This number of cooks spoil the broth!.

Unique selling point of a product.

Upright elements between individual stairs.

Vacuum flask for taking hot drinks out on walks.