26 March 2024 - Midsize

A defined group of objects in mathematics.

Abbreviation for Dance Dance Revolution.

Acronym for remotely piloted vehicle.

Aid to Families with Dependent Children initialism.

Central Standard Time.

Decay, decompose.

Energy efficiency ratio, abbreviation.

Five-part robot whose pilots defend the universe.

Hung loosely.

In the Old Testament, he was Moses's brother.

Montana state motto, __ y plata (gold and silver).

Oh dear!.

Short for Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Someone having great power or force.

Star Trek Vulcan greeting: live long and this.

Stood either side of.

To __ is human.

To scatter food pieces lightly, decorations.

Transfer Ribonucleic Acid.

Will put up with something without complaining.

__ Kane, All My Children's notorious villain.
