26 April 2021 - Midsize

Adjusted Gross Income.

African country closest to Italian shores.

Another name for low fat ice cream.

Barley and wheat relative used in beer and bread.

Chef and TV personality: __ Lagasse.

Freddy, bladed-fingered monster that haunts dreams.

Free Willy's whale type.

Grass that's rolled out like a carpet for planting.

Lavish and luxurious.

Little, like Tim.

Microsoft news portal.

Operator of software.

Pal, to an Australian.

Religious sister.

Remains of a fire.

Salt in French.

Short for the Croatian or Hrvatska kuna currency.

Song sung by a pair.

Strong dislike for something.

Supreme Court justice __ Bader Ginsburg.

They're usually better than downs.

Type of milk with almost no fat.

Waits is Looking for The Heart of Saturday Night.