26 August 2023 - Midsize

2017 movie following X-Men's Wolverine.

A chocolate candy bar made in Chicago in the 1940s.

Abbreviation for Dance Dance Revolution.

Absorb gravy with bread.

Amazon smart speaker.

Another name for margarine.

Bank machine for getting cash out of the wall.

Capital of Qatar, on the Persian Gulf.

Catcher's baseball glove.

Explanations of conduct.

Hawaiian food made from taro.

Jump rope.

Lindsey who won gold in Olympic skiing in 2010.

Long journeys, perhaps by sea or space.

Montana state motto, __ y plata (gold and silver).

Neither's partner.

Non-profit charity independent of any government.

Short French word to indicate woman's maiden name.

Soy-based meat alternative.

Space in a barn for storing hay.

Springfield's judge in The Simpsons.

Undecorated and dull.

Vodka brand known for punny ads.

Yellowfin tuna.
