27 June 2022 - Midsize

2003 and 2022 film, Cheaper __ Dozen.

Autonomic nervous system.

Central nervous system, initialism.

Decorator, beautifier, embellisher.

Donald Trump's third wife.

Fleet of warships, historical term.

Fleming, who wrote the James Bond books.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt in short.

Gaelic language.

Gin __, the latter two words of a G&T.

In the middle of.

Informal, easy way of saying yes.

Marinade of chili peppers used in Mexican cuisine.

Medical root word pertaining to the skin.

Nationality of a Persian.

On a ship, this is the word for behind.

Raffles for prizes.

Small, cylindrical battery with a triple letter.

Someone might slide into yours on Instagram.

Sunglasses company of Wayfarers and Aviators.

Yes, to a pirate.