30 August 2023 - Midsize

A shorter name for a wildebeest.

A simile for thick fog.

A tailless primate.

According to The Jackson 5, this is as easy as 123.

Carry something heavy.

Correlation, association.

Craven, horror movie director including Scream.

Detailed description of a product's features.

English theoretical physicist Paul.

Give off gentle light.

If it's as dead as a __, then it's dead indeed.

Indicating agreement.

John, first American to orbit the planet.

Pierced body part.

Seaport in north-west Cuba.

Show appreciation for a social media post.

Sinuous in movement or outline; stealthily quiet.

The capital of South Sudan.

They play and mix records in clubs.

This Arthur played Dorothy on The Golden Girls.

Unhatched chicken.