31 July 2022 - Midsize

A travel __ lets you access electricity worldwide.

All Points Bulletin.

An informal word of agreement.

Cost-per-click in tech lingo.

Curving line like the path of a baseball.

Desires and needs.

Doily material, for example.

First letter in Greek alphabet or top male.

Fleur-de-__, rarer spelling of decorative lily.

Former Superman Christopher __.

German neuter form of "the".

Gift brought to a party.

Hawaiian word for "family" used in Lilo & Stitch.

Initials of the band behind Proud Mary.

Italian curd cheese, creamy white texture.

Jack Black Shallow movie or Space Odyssey computer.

Late Middle English word for goodbye.

Might be found with a pan.

Potter, literary wizard.

Short word for upper body undergarment.

The acronym for point of view.

Tried, had a go at a task.

Trim the lawn.

Yosemite National Park rock formation: El __.