31 August 2022 - Midsize

"High" singing voice for some, but not the highest.

Abbreviation for male siblings.

Annual calendar based on the moon cycle.

Be in debt to someone.

Chemical liquids that alter hair tone.

Coen brothers' film, O Brother, Where Art __?.

Currency of France, Italy, Spain, Ireland.

Dog in Garfield cartoons.

Early rising bird.

Feminine form of one in Spanish.

Former Soviet spy agency.

Full of planted seeds.

Hollywood is sometimes called this land.

Improbable, dubious, far-fetched, questionable.

Made provisions last longer, __ out.

Pointer used for reading the Torah.

Prequel to The Conjuring, about a scary doll.

Run of House.

Sunset time.

Take matters into your __; tackle issues directly.

The capital city of Hawaii.

The most powerful nuclear weapon ever, __ Bomba.

Three letters after a limited company.

To move someone down to the next division below.

Too long, didn't read.

Understood, had the facts about.

Wild pig.