Magical horses with a single horn on their heads.

The first hint to crack the puzzle «Magical horses with a single horn on their heads.» is:

It is a word which contains 8 letters


The second hint to crack the puzzle «Magical horses with a single horn on their heads.» is:

It starts with letter U


The third hint to crack the puzzle «Magical horses with a single horn on their heads.» is:

It ends with letter S

U             s

Looking for extra hints for the puzzle «Magical horses with a single horn on their heads.»:

Click on any empty tile to reveal a letter
U   n   i   c   o   r   n s

The answer for the puzzle «Magical horses with a single horn on their heads.» is:

U n i c o r n s

26 February 2023 - Midsize

40 days of fasting before Easter for Catholics.

Abbreviation for American flying armed forces.

Abbreviation for Dance Dance Revolution.

Abbreviation for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Aircraft designed to land on the ocean.

As far as.

Bombard, throw many things at.

Chinese inventor of paper, Cai __.

Distant sound of something heavy being dropped.

Full Time Employee.

Goodbye until later.

Influenza virus, for short.

Informed someone about something.

It takes __ to make a world; everyone's different.

Jedi who asked "Judge me by my size, do you?.

Law Enforcement Training Academy, initialism.

Loch with a legendary monster.

Look after crops or livestock.

Los Angeles' famous cookie creator.

Mauna __, Hawaiian volcano that erupted in 1984.

Song by Vanessa Carlton: Nolita __.

The Big Dipper aka part of __ Major.

The golden rule, "Do __ others ...".

Warning of flames.

With more enthusiasm or substance.

Word said after making a mistake.