Quartz for treating skin complaints.

The first hint to crack the puzzle «Quartz for treating skin complaints.» is:

It is a word which contains 6 letters


The second hint to crack the puzzle «Quartz for treating skin complaints.» is:

It starts with letter S


The third hint to crack the puzzle «Quartz for treating skin complaints.» is:

It ends with letter A

S         a

Looking for extra hints for the puzzle «Quartz for treating skin complaints.»:

Click on any empty tile to reveal a letter
S   i   l   i   c a

The answer for the puzzle «Quartz for treating skin complaints.» is:

S i l i c a

2 September 2021 - Midsize

A female sheep.

Animal doctor; former soldier.

Brown-shelled, tropical fruit with white flesh.

Consolation, comfort.

Flick one's fingers together to make noise.

Former name of Tokyo.

Gangnam Style singer.

ISO three-letter country code for Argentina.

Large bag for carrying items.

Lena, star of The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Newborn snake.

Polyvinyl chloride.

Residents of Indiana are known as __.

Scientific study of tumours.

Teacher, professor.

These Trapps were taken care of by Maria.

Two-word term for vein carrying blood to the heart.

Vietnamese rice noodle soup.

Wedding oath.

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