Residents of Indiana are known as __.

The first hint to crack the puzzle «Residents of Indiana are known as __.» is:

It is a word which contains 8 letters


The second hint to crack the puzzle «Residents of Indiana are known as __.» is:

It starts with letter H


The third hint to crack the puzzle «Residents of Indiana are known as __.» is:

It ends with letter S

H             s

Looking for extra hints for the puzzle «Residents of Indiana are known as __.»:

Click on any empty tile to reveal a letter
H   o   o   s   i   e   r s

The answer for the puzzle «Residents of Indiana are known as __.» is:

H o o s i e r s

2 September 2021 - Midsize

A female sheep.

Animal doctor; former soldier.

Brown-shelled, tropical fruit with white flesh.

Consolation, comfort.

Flick one's fingers together to make noise.

Former name of Tokyo.

Gangnam Style singer.

ISO three-letter country code for Argentina.

Large bag for carrying items.

Lena, star of The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Newborn snake.

Polyvinyl chloride.

Quartz for treating skin complaints.

Scientific study of tumours.

Teacher, professor.

These Trapps were taken care of by Maria.

Two-word term for vein carrying blood to the heart.

Vietnamese rice noodle soup.

Wedding oath.

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