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Fantasy World
Group 872
Puzzle 1
A place where a foreign country's diplomats work.
Body of water created by a meandering river.
Bonjour __, book by the precocious Françoise Sagan.
Bracelet without dangling symbols; a rude person.
Canadian steampunk TV series about Abnormals.
Carbon allotrope informally called a buckyball.
Former name of Harare, capital of Zimbabwe.
Julius Caesar's final utterance, in the play.
Long line of columns supporting a roof.
Mimic martial arts movements without contact.
One who gets pregnant for another couple.
Professional risk managers.
Son of Meg Ryan; played Marvel in The Hunger Games.
Tea is sometimes made from this flowering weed.
This Paul had Wings and Lonely Hearts Club bands.
William the __, Medieval king born out of wedlock.
__ Friday; wear casual clothes to work once a week.