Puzzle 4

A moral story, such as the Prodigal Son.

Artful skill and expertise; great style.

Band of three including Kurt Cobain.

Barbie's little sister.

Decorative container for growing flowers.

Disc-shaped wheel trims on passenger vehicles.

Enclosure for babies for fun and games.

Figuratively smooth certain issues.

Fine Indian rice.

Green leafy veggie that makes you strong.

Hypersensitivity to dust, pets, pollen etc.

Meetings that aim to communicate with spirits.

Moving to music, rhythmically.

One who points the finger.

Pre-historic, hairy elephant-like creature.

Prisoners in jail.

The art of shooting with a bow and arrow.

The second officer in charge of flying an aircraft.

Very large, stripy stinging insects.

__ Poirot, Agatha Christie's Belgian detective.

__-to-air missile or SAM.