Puzzle 2

A barrier the runners must jump.

A warning or proviso of specific stipulations.

Artwork made from colored glass or stone pieces.

Describes large dollops of ice cream from a tub.

Interruption or pause.

Leave, abandon, remove oneself from a place.

Legal clause or provision in a contract.

Put money into a business.

Rectangular slabs of wood for flooring.

Regal hats.

Regal headpieces.

Ripple through body when scared or chilled.

Shimmery Christmas garland.

Shouted like a lion.

Snaps, stops working.


Swimwear known for two pieces tied with strings.

They hold rain.

Very smart type of person.

Violin played by a nursery rhyme cat.

Winnie-the-Pooh's tiny quiet friend.

__ beetle, or dung beetle, iconic Egyptian symbol.

__ skelter; tall, spiral slide.