Puzzle 5

Bar used as a brace to extend an artist's canvas.

Collections of paper, including bills, letters.

Create or falsify evidence.

Crime committed with help from someone in the know.

Differs, goes against, diverges, opposes.

Disinfect, sanitize, purify.

Disney's 1928 Mickey Mouse animation, __ Willie.

Easily annoyed, impatient.

Equestrian footwear.

Impression in snow from a boot or shoe.


Long luxury car used to transport VIPs.

Massive exploding star.

Maze of tunnels.

Metal fixing device for fabrics. Not dangerous!.

Optical instrument for viewing stars and planets.

People who make up a company and drive it forward.

Putting nails into a wall.

Record of events, told in a story-like way.

Salt and pepper, for example.

To make up on the spot, e.g. in acting or comedy.

Twitching in anticipation of pain.

Wooden instruments played by flamenco dancers.

Worn at festivals to allow admittance.

Yummy, very tasty.