Puzzle 1

19th-century valved brass instrument.

A short piece of writing, often found in magazines.

A written record or study of human events.

Contempt, scorn.

Have something down to a __; be highly skilled.

Helen B. __, US pediatric cardiologist.

Moorish Spanish city of the Alhambra.

Mrs Gates, co-sponsor of the foundation.

Nail-driving tools.

Palindrome that describes changing wall decoration.

Rice __, milky dessert sometimes served with jam.

Rice __, milky dessert with a dollop of jam.

Salad __, use this to dry lettuce leaves.

Small dried fruit in hot cross buns.

Snuggled into, cosied up to.

Sprays or posies of flowers.

Thor Heyerdahl’s balsa raft.

Valved brass instrument family, bugle-like.

__ Girl, Melanie Griffith as investment banker.

__ clogs, multihued Dutch wooden footwear.