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House of Horrors
Group 1120
Puzzle 3
1986 sequel that featured part-animated xenomorphs.
An amuse-bouche consisting of breads with toppings.
Coney __, amusement park area in NYC.
Droopy, hanging curtains.
Fluffy knitted ball on a winter hat.
Inn, according to song there is one "in the town".
Japanese art form of cultivating miniature trees.
Original host of Family Feud: Richard __.
Peter __ of Peter, Paul, and Mary.
Self-Portrait on the __ of Mexico, by Frida Kahlo.
The point in the sky directly above the gazer.
Timepieces that can be mounted on walls.
Yoga breathing technique, sounds like ocean waves.
__ Spina; David Copperfield's glamorous assistant.