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Group 1515
Puzzle 4
AFLAC duck, Aladdin parrot with annoying voice.
Architecture of classical decorative style.
Ball or rod-shaped cupcake toppings.
Country with the cities Canberra and Darwin.
Danish prince, the first king of Norway.
Elizabeth, the first female doctor in the US.
English hero who lived in Sherwood forest.
Fire Pokemon that looks like a porcupine.
Good magic, healing others.
He co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak.
Josef, won 2023's Indy 500.
Max in Stranger Things, daughter in The Whale.
Most wholesome and substantial.
Part of a river where there is no current.
Repetitive song from Bill Withers' album Menagerie.
Spring-loaded 70s toy to jump around.
Wild feline native to Asian wetlands.