Puzzle 2


World's most popular language from China

Three children born at the same time

An Ankh is an ancient __ good luck charm

This cartoon ursus may not know downward dog

Don't Rain on __, popular song from Funny Girl

Pottery coated and decorated with liquid clay

The evening star was called this in ancient times

UN General __

Powerful light attached to the front of a vehicle

Artwork rescued by Sherlock in Final Problem on tv

Opposing current below the surface

Dermabrasion is a __ procedure on the skin

Quayside structures for securing boats

Wooden fence preserver

A big maritime potence of the 16th century

Horse whose ancestry is clearly documented

It can be done

Joseph Marie _, inventor of the programmable loom

Simone de __, French existentialist writer

"Once in a __", an extremely rarely lunar event

Abandoned or deserted place