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Group 964
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18th-century ship commanded by William Bligh.
Auggie's astonishing journey.
Baby group before Generation X.
Break during a game, or at school.
Cruella De Vil's henchman, paired with Horace.
Forearm guard in archery.
Hindu concept of universal balance and order.
Name given to a group of bears.
Oval nut, used in nougat.
Produce laughs and wriggles with light touch.
Relation of Maggie to Jake Gyllenhaal.
Rock group, certified gold debut album Surfer Rosa.
Searched through papers or a bag, as a thief would.
Steampunk Cirque du Soleil show of the 2010s.
The main ingredient in amaretto liqueur.
Thomas, US inventor of the light bulb.