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Group 968
Puzzle 2
2014 Gary Shore movie, Dracula __.
An organism capable of moving on its own.
Arthur Herbert's nickname from Happy Days.
Beard style with hair on the chin not cheeks.
Erwin, German WW I and II military strategist.
George RR, author of the Game of Thrones books.
Jack __; a typically cocky young man.
Josh, singer of You Raise Me Up and You Are Loved.
Kitschy art form from Warhol, Paolozzi, Johns, etc.
Monstrous lion slain by the hero Hercules.
Patchy and uneven, like bad phone service.
Persian King who made his soldiers eat watercress.
State where Crater Lake is located.
The Surrey with the __ on Top, song from Oklahoma!.
To crowd or nestle together.
__ Munch, Norwegian painter who created The Scream.