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Group 1377
Puzzle 1
A colorful bonus on Cash Cab, __ Challenge.
Best of a __, a thing slightly better than others.
Broadway musical about former American statesman.
Computer-related devices with ink, paper.
Cow's milk farmhouse cheese from Cork.
December celebration called the Festival of Lights.
Fourth-most populous city in the Philippines.
Gladys Mary Smith, better known as actress Mary __.
Great Expectations spinster.
Long-snouted, burrowing nocturnal mammal.
Maybelline's false lash, colossal and sky high.
Queen and Bowie were under this; tires need it.
Railroad cars at the back of trains.
Sealed by licking or sticking, contains a letter.
Study of body movement and facial expressions.
The fate of two of Henry VIII's wives.
The headquarters of the US Department of Defense.
Triglav is this EU country's only national park.