Puzzle 4

__ repair, fixing our fav stuffed animals

Don't stay in the cold too long, you'll get this

Play these inside your own head

Innocent, not responsible, without guilt

Hole in a front door

__ in bed; the perfect meal to wake up to

Playground game involves running and smooching

George __, gave his name to western Canadian city

Nine is the square root of this number

Big door that opens and closes to control water

Luxury stretch car

Floating transparent ocean life, can sting!

Arizona cowboy town, name belongs in a cemetary

Place for getting drinks in the middle of a pool

Falling and smacking your features into something

A place for sticking cuttings and memories

Direct shots on goal taken in soccer

Little __ Hood, visited her wolfish Granny

Letting someone tell you their problems

The history "behind" the setting of a film