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Puzzle 1
Keeping meat juicy while cooking.
Planet that's also a Roman sea god.
Listen to radio shows/music through this device.
Region where there is ongoing military conflict.
__ Longbottom, wizard who beheaded snake Nagini.
What Sleeping Beauty did to her finger.
Bulging, strong body parts such as abs, triceps.
Desert mongoose that likes to stand up and look.
A decorative design, e.g. with spots or stripes.
Telling someone to quiet down.
Chocolate spread with hazelnuts.
Go to the barber to get one of these.
Engaging in games with children.
Kitchen appliances for boiling water.
Fasting time for Muslims.
Meltdown or angry outburst, often from a toddler.
Lobsters use these to grab things.
Trips, visits, e.g. to museums.