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Puzzle 13
Isabelle __, French actress of Camille Claudel
Frozen __, a tarter ice cream aka Froyo
Elementary particles first conceived in the 1960s
To force someone to do something
Breaks in the skin; sores in the mouth or stomach
Bats have __ wings (like ducks' feet)
Plane company produced the Barracuda and Firefly
__ Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird author
Machu __, Inca citadel located by Hiram Bingham
Four sides, four right angles
Attack of the __ Tomatoes, 1991 NES game
Founder of Versace, Donatella's brother
2009 F1 Championship winner for Brawn GP
__ dancer; polite, euphemistic term for a stripper
A quarter or district of a Spanish town
Distress call by ships and aircraft (at any time!)
City where Frederic Chopin Airport is located
Grand __, Hockney painted this place
Jennifer __, Academy Award winner for Dreamgirls
View-__, device for looking at tiny photo reels
__ emptor or Let the buyer beware