Puzzle 13

Conforming to Jewish dietary laws.

Sticking, attaching with adhesive.

Underground transit in New York City.

Grinding tool accompanied by a mortar.

Oz's __ Witch of the West was crushed by a house.

The words that make up a song.

Unlike any other.

Comparing __ to oranges.

Hero whose sidekick is Robin.

Shock or panic.

Smileys, pictures used instead of text.

An ice cream dessert served in a tall glass.

To undo a screw.

Doctor Who villains that exterminate.

A glacial hollow on a mountain, AKA a cirque.

Hardened feet of horses.

Extracting coal, gold or diamonds from the ground.

Cartoon feline who lives in a trash can.

What Jack Sprat's wife could eat.