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Puzzle 7
GM, __, and Ford make up the "Big Three"
One who sells woven or knitted material
1st century CE Greek philosopher and biographer
Dead on the side of the highway
City of the National Museum of Bargello
A church aisle at right angles to the main aisle
Magician, father of Miranda in The Tempest
Vicente __, home to Madrid's "athletic" squad
Country whose first president was Canaan Banana
Inclination to give money to the poor
Carolus __, devised plant categorisation system
Your Royal __, term of address for a prince
Cardinal __ is reddish-brown with white stripes
English saint shares Shakespeare's anniversaries
The Barefoot __, sex symbol Maria Vargas
Usually, this idea is never real
Strongly-sweet-flowered plant used in gin
Secret, covert way in, not up-front
Japanese "King of the Monsters"
Inventor of the first pocket calculator: Clive __