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Puzzle 11
Konrad __, first Chancellor of W Germany 1949-63
Louis __, a father of skyscraper architecture
Significant increase in birth rate
King Edmund II's nickname
Three Coins in the __, 1954 romance movie in Rome
Royal __, N Irish golf venue for the 2019 Open
Volcano that exploded in the Philippines in 1991
Grooming feathers with a beak
Arthur __, founder of the Dance Theatre of Harlem
The __; eighth studio album for ABBA, 1981
Speed, eagerness, promptness
London boxing venue in Bethnal Green
To fit together neatly in woodwork, name of joint
Conrad tale set in a fictional S. American country
Describes a Briton living between 1714 and 1830
Shrieking plant used in herbal medicine
Country where the Shebelle River starts
Ranks second in the celestial hierarchy
Short, turned-up nasal part
Maths function difficult to do the inverse of