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Unusual Jobs
Puzzle 17
Use superior authority to reject an argument
Tie rope together right over left; left over right
Kill someone by grabbing them around the throat
Presidential end of the White House
Trivial, petty, insignificant
Enclosed passenger units attached to motorbikes
__ Goes, Cole Porter's 1930s musical
__ red rice, staple from southern France
What Gollum was obsessed with
80s music genre of OMD, Erasure, Depeche Mode etc.
Émilie de __, physicist, Voltaire's mistress
__ Peaches; baseball team in A League of Their Own
Canadian cartoon series set in Storybook Village
Someone born between January 20 and February 18
__ Judy man, seaside entertainer with a swazzle
1950s slicked-back hair that forms a seam at back
__ House, where a wounded Lincoln was taken to
__ pen cleaner, looks after nibs and barrels
Largest city of the Faroe Islands
Noble title, ranked above a baron
Lost's Dr. Juliet Burke actress, Elizabeth __