Puzzle 4

Buoyant jacket

Largest land mammal hunted for its ivory tusks

Hazardous coating on road surfaces in winter

Gaudí's "stone quarry" building in Barcelona

White goods brand, famous for washing machines

War memorial for fallen soldiers buried elsewhere

Making decorative items by hand

Former French president with Dutch-sounding name

Box containing cerebral board game

What Spielberg did with ET, Jaws, Indiana Jones...

Guards the entrance to Hades in Greek mythology

"Not waving but __" according to Stevie Smith

Weblog publishing site; diary "dot" com

Robin __, actor of Mrs. Doubtfire

Jelena __, former Serbian no. 1 tennis player

Money workers claim back, e.g. snacks for meetings

Chief cook

__ Silver, quartermaster under Captain Flint

Diplomat and chief weapons inspector over Iraq

Predominant religion of Thailand

Irregular in frequency

Egyptian Red Sea resort popular with divers

Russian rocket pioneer responsible for Sputnik I