Puzzle 5

Fruitless, without success.

Kristen, voice of Louise Belcher and Mabel Pines.

Less chilly.

One Flew Over the __'s Nest, Jack Nicholson role.

Part of the body inflamed by blepharitis.

Pretend-food water and soil mixture.

Ran 40 yards quickly.

Russian mini pancakes.

Sales talk, heard on a car salesroom forecourt.

Small bunches of flowers.

Story that explains the birth of superheroes.

The girl who left breadcrumbs to find her way home.

These Australian marsupials have fingerprints.

Thigh- or chest-high waterproof fishing gear.

This grim guy carries a scythe.

Trees for wood.

Twelfths of a year.

Type of acting that involves being the character.

Where you go when you step off a boat.