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Group 1217
Puzzle 3
Abraham Lincoln was this state's congressman.
Americans call it soccer.
Brazilian stew with black beans and meat.
Caribbean island where Nicki Minaj is from.
Constellation that looks like cup or water carrier.
David Shannon children's novel, __ of Stripes.
Female sex hormones: __ and progesterone.
Friendliness and generosity of spirit.
Its capital is Addis Ababa.
Nikolai, Soviet Union premier before Khrushchev.
Not brave, like the Lion pal of Dorothy.
Outdoor conflagrations form part of festivities.
Packaging company that made pyramidal milk cartons.
Pastel-coloured climbing legume, not savoury.
Playground mainstay that lets kids "fly".
Queen-inspired film: Bohemian __.
TD Bank, formerly called Toronto __ Bank.
TV show where people compete on an island.
Turtles return to the same __ grounds to lay eggs.