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Group 1398
Puzzle 4
Denver based fast food chain that starts with Q.
Describes an area with lots of homes and offices.
Fuel-burning part of a steam engine.
Godfrey __, 17th C English court painter.
Greek word for a group of 1000.
Medical name for the shoulder blade.
Nut __, a hard toffee-like sweet.
Old term for fines administered by law.
Plant grown in iceberg and butterhead.
Regata __; annual Venetian rowing event.
Screenwriter Noel on The Wizard of Oz 1939 movie.
She released the wedding album with John Lennon.
Star also known as Theta Centauri.
The Côte d'Azur is also known as the French __.
The creature also known as Sasquatch.
The medieval name for what is now Wales.
Thornton Wilder play about Grover's Corners.